Box 1059 173 West Island Hwy, Parksville, B.C., Canada, V9P 2H1
Susan has lived in the Oceanside area Parksville, Qualicum, Nanaimo since 1975. Real Estate has been Susan’s career since 2001, after coming from a lifelong career in Hospitality Management. Up to this point in her Real Estate career she has specialized i ...
1021 Windsor Drive, Qualicum Beach, B.C., V9K 2K6
We offer a complete range of home, commercial and mold inspection services on Vancouer Island and the Gulf Islands. Whether you are selling your home, buying a new one or simply planning renovations, we can help. Steven Hughes makes the home inspection pr ...

#101 - 897 Island Highway West, Parksville, B.C., Canada, V9P 2E9
Vivien Sears, F.R.I., is a 20-year realtor and a fellow of the Real Estate Institute. Active in the community and a passionate arts supporter who loves living on Vancouver Island, and it shows!