From Saturday 11 March 2023
To Tuesday 11 April 2023
Hits : 536
We are proud to be in partnership with the Brant Wildlife Festival! In 2023 the Spot the Brant contest in now open. Running unitl April 11th, visitors will solve the scavenger hunt clues and visit up to 20 dfferent businesses in the Oceanside region. After finding the painted Brant, take a selfie and post your pic to social media with #spotthebrant. The visitors with the most pics will be entered into a prize to win a great prize doanted by our local businesses. Find out more here:
Spot the Brant Contest (
Can you spot the most Brant in Parksville and Qualicum Beach?
Follow the clues below to crack the scavenger hunt!
Enlighten Your Senses- Take a peek near a creek for wellness and sanctuary!
The Oceanside region in the Middle-of-town is where you will C the Brant
Knox the spot where you would most expect to find a goose!
Discover yourself on the Island at the with place the most storage!
Back up after the orange bridge if you want your homestyle cooking grilled to perfection
Bookworms beware. The Brant might have it's beak stuck in a book!
These masters of the head will gladly guide you to spot your next Brant.
Is your T pointing to the East or the West Coast?
Whether it be Arbutus, Birch, Cottonwood, Dogwood or Evergreen, you will be sure to experience nature at it's finest at the lodge.
This hotel is a great place for work, rest or play on the beautiful Vancouver Island coast.
Be it black or white, meet the ravens and all their friends during their recovery at this centre for injured wildlife.
Where oh where is the bear? A totem pole you say? Comes complete with ocean views!
If your preference is surfing or RVing you can do it all and more at this stunning 5 star resort.
This House by the Sea will touch all the senses with it's spa, restaurant, gift shop and conference facilities you will sure to find a happy Brant there!
Using numbers 1, 2 and 3 you will be led to the the cutest office on the block. Here you will be Maxed out trying not to Re-list your house!
For all your cooking needs, what's there to stop you shopping till you drop? Don't forget to take your selfie with the Brant!
Come on in for directions and lots of information about your visit to Parksville!
For all your pet's needs. Stop in for high quality accessories and supplies for dogs, cats, birds, fish small animals and a goose!
Taking a walk on the promenade? Visit us for gifts, maps, local information and a selfie with the Brant!
Closer to you than you think when you're on the hunt for a Brant!
Take a selfie at all the locations with the Brant and post to social media with #spotthebrant. Will you be a champion?